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Portable block calibrators

For the calibration of immersion or insertion sensors, Tempcontrol offers various block baths or portable block calibration systems. We also offer block calibration systems for calibration of infrared thermometers, for example baths with black body cavities. Various options for calibration of Pt100, thermocouples, platinum resistance thermometers, RTDs or temperature sensors are also available.

The baths have a temperature range ranging from a small range with a high accuracy to a range of up to +1,100 ° C or systems with a Peltier element.

The products are generally universally applicable, portable and stable. Some calibration systems offer the possibility of data acquisition or an automatic cold welding compensation. We offer a solution for both laboratory and field tests, as well as for harsher conditions such as shipping & navy. View the options below or contact us.

Pulsar 35Cu - Giussani

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Pulsar 35Cu portable block temperature calibator - Giussani

The Guissani Pulsar-35Cu temperature calibrator is a compact instrument used to calibrate transducers, RTD and temperature-measuring sensors in the field and in the laboratory. The possibility to generate positive and negative temperature ramps makes it suitable for use in calibrating and testing thermostats.

The Pulsar-35Cu temperature calibrator consists of a metal block measuring 50 mm in diameter heated by a resistance which winds around the outer surface of the block. A hole having diameter 35 x 190 mm is made in the block for the appropriate reduction inserts. Pulsar-35Cu is equipped with a PID microprocessor controller with a resolution up to 0,01 °C, setting of the standard of measurement in °C, °F and K programming of ascent/descent ramps and storage of the thermostats’ operative temperature. In the Pulsar-35Cu-2I version the instrument is equipped with an acquisition card having two adjustable inputs able to read: Pt100 3/4 wires & thermocouples: E, J, K, N, R, S with automatic compensation of the cold junction.

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Pulsar 80Cu - Giussani

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Pulsar 80Cu portable block temperature calibrator - Giussani

The Giussani Pulsar-80Cu temperature calibrator is a compact instrument used to calibrate transducers and temperature-measuring sensors. The considerable size makes it suitable for test of thermostats with highlenght bulb.

The Pulsar-80Cu temperature calibrator consists of a metal block measuring diameter 80 x 300 mm heated by a resistance which winds around the outer surface of the block. A hole measuring diameter 60 x 275 mm is made in the block for the appropriate reduction inserts. The Pulsar-80Cu is equipped with a counter-current forced air cooling system, which keeps the temperature low in the upper part of the well; this system enables to check even very short probes, without heating the connecting head or the handgrip; it is equipped with a PID microprocessor controller with a resolution up to 0,01 °C, setting of the standard of measurement in °C, °F and K programming of ascent/descent ramps and storage of the thermostats’ operative temperature.

In the PULSAR-80Cu-2I version the instrument is equipped with an acquisition card having two adjustable inputs able to read: Pt100 3/4 wires & thermocouples: J, E, K, N, R, S with automatic compensation of the cold junction.

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Pyros - Giussani


Pyros portable block temperature calibrator - Giussani

These innovative Giussani Pyros calibrators have been designed for on-site applications and for the severe conditions of the naval and marine sectors. Their ease of use, compact and practical design, make them unbeatable in industrial processes where the verification of the temperature measurement systems is a key issue for the control of the process and the quality of the final product.

Special attention was paid to reduce weight, size and to reinforce robustness by using an aluminium body and aluminium and stainless steel for many internal parts. Each calibrator is tested in our laboratory and calibrated with our measurement samples in accordance with the international standard. At this stage all the functions are checked against reference parameters and a calibration report is issued. The thermal part of these calibrators is made of a metal block heated with resistors or with Peltier thermoelectric modules. In the metal block there are one or more holes in which the interchangeable inserts are placed. The standard inserts available make the calibrators versatile in order to adapt them to the calibration of the temperature sensors with the most common diameters in use. It is also possible to create inserts with special holes upon request.

The equipment provided as standard on each oven includes the power supply cable, the tweezers to extract the inserts, the connection cables of the thermostats, a fuse kit, one or more of the inserts most commonly used, the instructions manual and the calibration report.

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Quartz - Giussani


Quartz portable block temperature calibrator - Giussani

The Giussani Quartz temperature calibrator is a compact instrument used to calibrate transducers, RTD and temperature-measuring sensors in the field and in the laboratory. The possibility to generate positive and negative temperature ramps makes it suitable for use in calibrating and testing thermostats.

The Quartz calibrator consists of a metal block measuring 35 mm in diameter and 135 mm in height, it doesn’t use external refrigerating liquids and the metal block is heated and cooled by Peltier elements.

The Quartz is equipped with a PID microprocessor controller with a resolution up to 0,01 °C, setting of the standard of measurement in °C, °F and K, programming of ascent/descent ramps and storage of the thermostats’ operative temperature. In the Quartz-2I version, the instrument is equipped with an acquisition card having two adjustable inputs able to read: Pt100 3/4 wires & thermocouples: E, J, K, N, R, S with automatic compensation of the cold junction.

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BB 500 - black body - Dostmann


BB 500 Black body calibrator for infrared instruments - Dostmann

Univer­sally applic­able and port­able block­c­al­ib­rator for infraredther­mo­meter.

  • 57 mm black body
  • Emissivity 0,95
  • Wide measuring range +50°C...+500°C
  • Easy handling
  • 230 VAC power supply
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BC 300 - Dostmann


BC 300 Temperature calibrator - Dostmann

Univer­sally applic­able and port­able block­c­al­ib­rator for immer­sion-and inser­tion probes (e.g. Pt 100, Ther­mo­couples). 

  • Wide measuring range +33°C...+300°C
  • Easy handling
  • 230 VAC power supply
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Solar - Giussani


Solar portable block temperature calibrator - Giussani

The portable thermostatic calibrator Solar of Giussani has been designed to carry out laboratory and field checks of thermocouples and Pt100; it consists of a tubular vertical well with an internal ceramic pipe and an interchangeable equalising block. The equalising block, whose large size suits the external dimensions, ensures a proper heat transmission as well as optimal stability and uniformity values; its interchangeability makes it possible to test sensors of various lengths, with diameters ranging from 1 mm up to 26 mm. The block of the standard equipment has 4 holes (diameter: 7, 9, 11 and 13,5 mm); on request, further versions with different kinds of holes are available.

The Solar is equipped with a counter-current forced air cooling system, which keeps the temperature low in the upper part of the well; this system enables to check even very short probes, without heating the connecting head or the handgrip. The Solar is provided with a new PID controller, whose microprocessor ensures resolution values up to 0,01 °C as well as °C, °F and K reading; it also enables to set the up/down ramps and to memorise the operative temperature of the thermostats.

The version Solar-2I is equipped with a data acquisition card and two adjustable input devices (Pt100 3/4 wires; thermocouples: E, J, K, N, R, S) with gold-plated contacts and automatic compensation of the cold junction.

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Fluid100 and Fluid200 - Giussani


Fluid100 and 200 portable liquid calibration bath - Giussani

Giussani Fluid are portable thermostatic liquid calibrators used for checking thermocouples and platinum resistance thermometers in the laboratory as well as in the field. It consists of an aluminium vessel whose capacity is about 400 cc and it is constantly kept homogenous by a magnetic mixer whose speed is adjustable according to the viscosity of the fluid used. The mixing process ensures a proper heat transmission, excellent stability and uniformity values; the large size of the well makes it possible to test sensors of various lengths and diameters.

Fluid models are suitable both for low and high temperature ranges. In addition, they are available with a double built-in temperature indicator in order to compare the reference probe with the external probe. Fluid can be used with different kind of accessories: dry blocks, dry bodies, extension tubes, liquids and so forth. Using Fluid is possible to calibrate temperature sensors with the same accuracy and precision of a thermostatic bath.

Both low and high temperature Fluid are available in two different models. All these models can be accessorized with a double thermocuoples and a RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) reader.

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