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Tempcontrol represents quality brands

Tempcontrol originally started as a trading company and this mentality is still in our roots. We represent a range of quality brands for instruments for temperature measurement and control. We maintain a long relationship with our partners and we invest in knowing our partners well and knowing the instruments we sell so we can advise our customers on the best solution for their situation. 

Dostmann electronic GmbH

Dostmann electronic GmbH is a German company which stands for compet­ence and know-how when it comes to meas­uring temper­ature, humidity, air flow and pres­sure value. Their meas­uring instru­ments are manu­fac­tured on modern produc­tion lines and are care­fully assembled. In their welle­quipped labor­atory, the instru­ments are matched to compar­ative refer­ences that are trace­able back to national stand­ards defined by the German PTB or similar European author­ities.

Dostmann has an extensive product portfolio which, among others, consists of thermometers, reference thermometers, handheld measuring instruments, data loggers, humidity instruments and CO2 measuring instruments.

Website Dostmann electronic GmbH